Mysterious Dog Illness - Viral Bacterial Dog Pneumonia
This blog post will share information about our experience with the mysterious dog pneumonia that has been spreading throughout the United States since late 2022. It is a super serious pneumonia that almost took the life of our Anatolian Shepherd, Moses, in February 2023. Below, we’ll cover what we have learned - the causes, symptoms, treatment, and who is studying this to learn more.
You can watch our video here and read more details below.
* Disclosure: We are not vets or experts. We are only sharing our experience in hopes of spreading the word to help save other dogs' lives.
5 Things We Learned From Personal Experience
1. What it is not: It is not kennel cough or dog influenza. This is a viral bacterial pneumonia that is highly contagious, strikes quickly, and can be deadly. It starts as a virus, then turns into a bacterial infection in the lungs = pneumonia. Moses was a little draggy for a few days before getting seriously ill. He had been boarding at his doggy care while we were on vacation a few weeks earlier and we thought he had caught a mild case of kennel cough...but then he tanked (more on that below). The veterinary hospital/ICU we brought Moses to had been dealing with many dogs who were seriously ill with the same symptoms - so we got lucky. They knew how to treat him. Veterinarians who have not seen this pneumonia before may try to treat it with meds for kennel cough but those meds will only hold the symptoms at bay. They will not cure this pneumonia.
2. The Cause: This is the scary part – no one knows what is causing this strain of dog pneumonia or the specific ways dogs are contracting it. It does seem that it is transmitted through exposure from dog to dog, by being in close contact with a dog that is sick. Moses was boarded in early January – but he didn't get noticeably sick until early February, so there may be an incubation period. Over time, we’ve learned this strain of pneumonia affects all sizes and ages of dogs, BUT not all dogs exposed get this pneumonia. Our Labrador, Lewie, who is with Moses day and night never contracted this. Not a cough or sneeze.
3. Symptoms: Recognizing the symptoms is important as this virus sneaks up on dogs. Moses went from being ok to being on death’s doorstep in 24 hours. That’s how quickly this virus evolved into something life-threatening.
- A Cough: Moses had a slight cough for a week or so before getting seriously ill which is why we thought he had kennel cough at first. He was also reverse sneezing.
- Lethargic: If your dog seems uncommonly lethargic (lots of sleeping, not eating, not drinking, not wanting to move), that is a major sign. Moses went from appearing fine to exhibiting extreme exhaustion overnight. What did that look like? He walked outside, vomited up foam, and then lay on the ground. We had to help him stand and walk. He's 150 lbs, so we barely got him into the car to be rushed to the vet.
- Labored Breathing: Rapid, shallow, and laborious breaths. Excessive panting.
- High Fever: An elevated body temperature indicated by not eating, drinking, vomiting, and bouts of shivering, signifies a potential battle with pneumonia. When Moses was checked into the veterinary ICU, his temp was 106.4.
- Vomiting/Foamy Discharge: Another symptom Mo exhibited was vomiting and he also had foamy spittle a few days before – which is common with this pneumonia.
4. Treatment - Taking Charge: What Can You Do About It?
- Act Quickly – If you notice any of the signs above, get your dog to the vet to be looked at ASAP. Early action is the key to a speedy recovery.
- Medication: Moses was diagnosed with viral bacterial pneumonia based on x-rays and a culture. Again, this starts as virus and then becomes a bacterial pneumonia. The two antibiotics that worked to heal Moses were Clavacillin and Baytril (together). Other dogs have been treated with Zeniquin with good results. Thankfully, Moses made a 100% recovery.
- Hydration: If your dog has a high fever, it may need IV fluids to hydrate and give its immune system the boost it needs to fight back.
- Breathing Help: In serious cases, oxygen therapy is necessary. Moses tested very low for O2 when we got him to the hospital and he was put immediately on O2 for about 24 hours.

5. Learning More. This virus is still new and a mystery but Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine and the University of California, Davis are diving deep into the mysteries of canine pneumonia and will hopefully give us information we can share in the future.
The most important thing we’ve learned with this virus is that you need to act quickly. The signs that alerted us something was wrong were Moses’s extreme lethargy and vomiting, in addition to his slight cough. If you think your dog is ill, get them to the vet as soon as possible.
If you have experienced this illness in your area, please feel free to comment below with your state and the month/date so people can be aware of where this illness is popping up.
Be well and stay well!
Amy & Ron
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Our 3 year old Boxer contracted what we thought was kennel cough 6 weeks ago from daycare. She had an xray showed her lungs had a touch of fluid and she was put on antibiotics seemed better, but cough still lingered. She was active and eating so no major concerns. Last Sun she turned for the worst with a fever and not even able to lift her head. Rushed her to ER Vet and single pneumonia quickly became double. She’s on O2 and we are waiting for a CAT scan to determine if there’s possible lung damage. If so, they will need to operate and remove dead tissue. She is only 3 and was FINE ! We are sick to our stomachs as the news keeps getting worse. Please pray for our girl. We are in NH
I resuced a dog and he got a cold then pneumonia.
He is now not even able to work. He was in the icu for 2 nigths and came home with 7 different pills.
He did not get prescribed either one of these pills, but 4 other antibiotics.
The scary part is with him not being able to walk and it also looks like he has the hiccups
They are thinking this may be a neurological thing. I have already spent close to $3,000.00 and cannot afford to do anymore.
I’m so scare for him. I’m praying that he will get strong again; he is only 1 year old. I bought him for my dad a month after my mom died in February. He has become so attached to this dog…
I’m praying all the time for him. Thanks for sharing the info.
I’m in Portland, OR. Our 2.5 year old Vizsla, Dexter, and 1 y/o Terrier mix, Patches, had been coughing and reverse sneezing for 5 weeks. (Being high energy dogs, we frequented dog parks and they went to daycare 1 day per week. Of course I stopped sending them as soon as I realized they were sick.) They have had 2 rounds of antibiotics and I thought that we were finally putting this begind us. Then seemingly overnight, Dexter developed pneumonia. He was lethargic, mouth watery and when he refused breakfast we knew it was bad (Dexter has never EVER refused food – this kid eats everything.) When we took him in to the Urgent Care Clinic, he had a fever of 106. He spent all day at the Urgent Care clinic, and xrays confrimed pneumonia. He was stable enough to return home last night, but this morning we knew he was not doing well and his fever was back up to 104. We took him to the animal hospital where he has been on oxygen, fluids and more antibiotics all day. He was on Clavacillin and they said that they were starting him on and Baytril (not sure if thats in addition to, or instead of the Clavacillin.) The vet has run some test to try to determine what type of pneumonia this is – she said that technically what he has is a “mild” case, so she is unsure why his body is reacting so severly. My poor, sweet boy has so much more life to live. Reading about dogs who has passed just breaks my heart. Praying for a cure for Dexter and all the effected pups. Thankfully, Patches still seems to be fine, but I’m wondering if I should take him in for xrays just in case.
Nova Scotia Canada here. My AmStaff/Aus heeler caught this and its gone through my pack of 4. One needed antibiotics but the others managed without. IV fluids and an xray were critical in helping him. Take care of your babies and best of luck.
Hello – I suppose you’ve been seeing all the new publicity (11/2023) about a mystery dog virus that sounds the same as what you wrote about here. I’m wondering if your vet has been sharing the protocols he used that have helped his clients, because as of now, it appears all the experts are stumped. It would be so great to hear an uodate from your vet. If he is having success, we need him to get the word out asap!! I personally lost a beloved Bernedoodle client in Sept after being treated for what they believed was kennel cough. Thanks so much.
Just got our Doberman puppy Sept 30th in west central Georgia. She came from Naples Florida and before that, she was in Serbia.
She was 17 weeks old and within 20 hours of having her she started having all these symptoms.
We rushed her to an emergency vet and she was hospitalized for 48 hours. She didn’t need oxygen but she was vomiting, super high fever, labored breathing, lethargic, diarrhea and They said her right lung had collapsed.
They said she was super sick and we could lose her too.
She ended up pulling through but even at 6 weeks later, her X-rays look cloudy around her lungs.. They do show improvement from day one, but she’s had x-rays every two weeks after and it turned into bronchitis the second week and now we’re just waiting for the cloudiness to finally go away. She has another set of x-rays next week, the day before Thanksgiving and I’m praying with everything in me that she is finally over this. Three weeks ago they put her on another round of antibiotics and they’re hoping that that will help and if not, she may have to have further testing. They are concerned this may be a bigger issue then they can do with antibiotics and maybe put her under and have her lungs flushed. I’m hoping that’s not the case, we really have sunk in a lot of money thus far and really don’t wanna keep spending more and more money.
Add another dog getting pneumonia from Northwest Houston (Cypress). A month ago she had a visit from a dog that came down with it 2 weeks after he met her. On Monday I went to the vet with a small cough. They said no, she didn’t have it and prescribed Zurtec because to much time had elapsed and her cough was not a productive cough. Today a difference story productive cough. Xrays aren’t in yet. Doc said I am sure it is now Don’t wait it is way to hard to get rid of.
My close friends daughters dog passed away Tuesday (October 17, 2023) as a result of the pneumonia. They live in Murrieta, CA. I do know the dog had been boarded (Thursday, October 12 – Monday, October 16, 2023). She might have been boarded earlier in the month but I don’t know for sure. She definitely had some of the symptoms you described. Lethargy, and then went downhill very quickly. The vet told the Mom that she was extremely sick. If she survived they were extremely concerned about her lungs and whether they would be able to function. I’ve seen a couple posts on Instagram, more like a PSA. People who’s dogs developed the pneumonia and how quickly it progressed. Thank you for writing this blog. I know it will help others.
It’s currently running though our pack of 10. Early detection is the key as they respond well after 2 days. It’s no joke how rappid this hits. We are in the Washington DC area.
My 2yr old mutt was diagnosed with pneumonia today. Canine influenza is bad here where I live but it had been over a month since we last boarded him. He also has just received his yearly shots a few weeks ago. We live in Midland,Tx but for the last week had been traveling. 1 night in Ruidoso, NM (where I first noticed symptoms of what I thought was kennel cough), 1 night in Santa Fe, NM and 4 nights in Ouray, Co. Douglas had a mild cough on day 2, was hiking with me on hard hikes and acting normal, then day 4 started not doing well. This meant no eating/drinking, lethargic, shivering, the cough everyone is describing mostly from 3am-8am and after being excited. Luckily we were able to get into a vet this morning in Durango, Co who confirmed with chest X-rays that it is pneumonia. After reading others comments I’m glad I didn’t wait another two days until we got home to see our vet. They did half a bag of fluids since he was severely dehydrated. They have him doing 2x daily 3/4th pill of 500mg AmoxiClav (Amoxicillin Clavulanate 500/125mg). We follow up with our local vet in two weeks. I didn’t realize how serious this could be so now I’m worried. I’m really wondering how he could have got this since he hasn’t come into contact with any other dogs in over a month. My only theory is from our dog friendly Airbnb/Hotel? Or unless it has a long incubation period as someone else stated.
1 year old Shepard mix, same exact story, took weeks of trial and error to figure right treatment – one step forward three steps back. He’s now responding well to Baytril on its own!
Santa Barbara, CA.
My 2 yo Goldendoodle mix was exhibiting the same symptoms you described above and yesterday morning (10/3) he began to cough and throw up a white, foamy substance with green mixed in. He ate breakfast and his afternoon/evening meal but became extremely lethargic in the evening. He’s normally my shadow, but didn’t have an interest in following me around, which was odd. He then started standing and staring, not wanting to sit/lay down. Heavy breathing started in as well. I called a local emergency hospital and they were able to get him in. Luckily I did, because the xrays indicated that he has pneumonia. They will be monitoring over the next 24 hours (he’s been admitted to the hospital) to see if he needs to stay 48, but I’m soo thankful I got him in early. My poor fella was just soo off, I could tell something serious was wrong. Trust your gut with this pneumonia, it’s fast moving. He was originally diagnosed with kennel cough about a month ago (after he was boarded) and he was treated with antibiotics, then he seemed fine. I boarded him again this weekend and these pneumonia symptoms started yesterday morning. So, unsure if he had pneumonia originally and not kennel cough? The Vet and Techs told me they had 3 cases of this pneumonia within the last 3 days. We’re located in Denver Metro in Colorado.
These symptoms sound exactly like Valley Fever or Coccidiomycosis; which is endemic in California, Arizona, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington, but seen in other arrid states.
Central coast of Oregon. Just picked up our malamute from a Salem veterinary hospital this afternoon. She’s been hospitalized since Saturday with pneumonia, IV fluids/antibiotics and had to be put on oxygen. She was not with any other dogs prior to getting sick, except for approximately a month ago when she spent two days in a nearby kennel. She was up to date on all of her vaccines. She is still very sick, but the vet has released her to me. Her symptoms began with reverse sneezing, excessive lip licking, severely lethargic, excessive panting, and significant decrease in eating or drinking. Was coughing up frothy liquid when I got her to the vet ER, had a fever, very low, oxygen levels, and elevated respiration. This kind of hospital stay is not cheap and I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have pet insurance. My advice to people, if you don’t already have it, invest in good health insurance for your pet.
Thanks to everyone who has posted above. We are so sorry for those with dogs who have been ill and are heartbroken for those of you who have lost your dogs to this. We will share as we find out more information about this pneumonia. Unfortunately, there is not much more to info at this time but we are keeping our eyes and ears out.
We have a 7 month old Goldendoodle. She went into heat last Sat. On Friday, she was fine. Sat we took her to the emergency vet and she had to be put on oxygen. By Sun AM she took a turn for the worst and we had to transfer her to a Boston hospital as they thought she needed to be ventilated. It’s Tuesday and she’s still there. The pneumonia was only on the right side, now on the left. They’re doing more X-rays and ultrasounds. She could be there for up to another week. She’s just a baby.
I’m in Quebec Canada (Laurentians) and my 6 year old German Shepherd has same exact symptoms. Light coughing, followed by lethargy, vomiting (foam), high fever….etc…I had to rush her to Emergency Clinic overnight and was surprised when I got diagnosis of bronchopneumonia. She has just now finished 14 days of Doxycycline – coughing just a little but appetite and energy levels are very good. Our other household dog did not get this YET. Waiting now for Protein CRP blood test results that were taken earlier this week. Keeping fingers crossed all is OK!
I own a boarding kennel here in Ohio. All 4 of my dogs have had the virus. But, one still has it. This is day #78 of coughing. She started along with her daughter on June 21st. I have had her to our regular vet 3 times & an internal medicine vet . She has been on 6 rounds of antibiotics, using hydrocodone & now prednisone. I sent my vet your article & he is now going to try the combination of antibiotics. Thank You so much for putting what they used. Her x rays have all showed bronchitis, but I’m sure it would have been pneumonia if she hasn’t been on the antibiotics. The other 3 have only coughed a small amount recently. I have had 35 dogs that have to the kennel I believe get this same thing. It is Very contagious & of course vaccines didn’t help stopping it. And I kept track of everyone that did get it, the incubation period was all from 25-36 days.
Our 3 year old husky / Shepard mix had a respiratory infection in june. Was treated with antibiotics but didn’t do the full job. She was off the medication for 5 days on a Tuesday I took her for a normal walk in the morning with our toddler. 5 hours later she was lethargic, panting heavily and something was wrong. I called the vet and they brushed it off saying it was her anxiety. By the time my husband got home she was worse and we brought her to an urgent care. She was diagnosed with pneumonia but said it was treatable and she would be fine. 4 hours after that she completely tanked, turned septic, kidneys failing and there was nothing else they could do. This was mid July and we’re still trying to wrap our heads around it. We’re in MA
Our frenchie puppy contracted this on a transport van from Missouri to NH (now looking back I know a transport van was a horrible idea). She started with a slight cough and went downhill quickly….she went from having this slight cough at night to waking up the next morning with labored breathing and wouldn’t eat or drink and had severe lethargy. Thankfully we brought her to an emergency vet in Mass. that treated her correctly. $10,000 later after almost a week in an oxygen tent and iv treatment, we were able to bring her home but there were many nights the vet didn’t know if she would make it. Neither one of my adult labs ever got it. Thankfully she’s fully recovered and totally fine. This was in December of 2022.
my 1.5 year old doberman caught this from daycare. it seemed to worsen overnight. Sunday night she was fine with a slight cough which i assumed to be kennel cough, by monday morning she was lethargic, nose running horribly, and xrays revealed she had an almost complete blockage in her left lungs. when we went to the vet the first time, she was given clavamox, however the bacteria was resistant to the medication. we returned to the vet two days later and she was given two more antibiotics which worked, but she still has a residual cough. it was awful seeing my baby like that
My Great Dane contracted pneumonia after being boarded in Jan 2023. She went downhill very quickly and we did antibiotics, oxygen and IV fluids but she did not respond. She passed after a week. She was almost 8 years old so older for a Great Dane. I thought she must have an underlying condition for her to have gotten so sick and I had no idea this was rampent. I am in Southeastern PA
Our 13 year old pittie got sick in June and had to be hospitalized. Luckily they did chest X-rays and saw it was pneumonia right away. She got it a second time in August along with a severe ear infection which caused a vestibular reaction. Our other three dogs have been unaffected. We are in Houston.
My 6 year old mixed breed dog started out with a cough, foamy spittle and was diagnosed with Kennel cough. Ten days later she was worse, coughing up stringy mucus and was then diagnosed with pneumonia. We are in upstate New York.