Dogs Eating Grass? 4 Reasons Why Dogs Do This
Does your dog munch on grass? One of ours does. Can you guess who??? If you guessed Lewie, our Labrador, you would be correct. We think he is part goat!
Dogs eating grass is a sight many of us have witnessed. So, why do they do it? While it might seem like bizarre behavior, there are several reasons behind this green-grazing habit, ranging from instinctual to nutritional. Let’s dig into why dogs eat grass.
A Tasty – and Nutritional Snack
In the height of the summer, when the grass is lush and green, Lewie enjoys what we call “salading” on our after-dinner walks. He'll walk and munch, walk and munch. We can’t imagine he is still hungry, but there is a theory that dogs eating grass may fulfill a dietary need.
Just like humans might crave a salad after bingeing on pizza, dogs may be seeking out the fiber that grass provides. A study by Benjamin Hart at the University of California-Davis found that only about 9% of dogs appeared ill before they indulged in their grassy snack, and less than a quarter vomited afterward.
We always thought that Lewie’s stomach was upset - and that was the reason why he was eating grass - but this suggests that for most dogs, grass isn’t a remedy for an upset stomach but rather a source of roughage that aids digestion.
In fact, dogs are not carnivores; they are more like opportunistic omnivores. Their ancestors, the wolves, often ate entire prey, including the stomach contents, which frequently contained plants and grasses. This behavior has trickled down through generations, and many dogs today still exhibit this instinctual foraging behavior.
Chasing Boredom Away
Another reason for dogs eating grass could be boredom. Just like we might snack mindlessly on chips or cookies while watching TV, dogs sometimes munch on grass when they are feeling bored or restless. If your pup likes to be outside for long periods, they might turn to the nearest patch of grass to pass the time. So, if you notice your dog grazing, you might want to toss them a toy or take them for a walk.
A Delicious Delicacy
There is a possibility that dogs just enjoy the taste and texture of grass. Some dogs are true connoisseurs, preferring tasty, fresh, tender blades of spring grass over the tougher stuff that grows later in the season. It’s like a gourmet salad bar right in your backyard! So, if your dog is happily tasting their way through your yard, they might just be taking a little culinary adventure.
It's Just Instinct
Interestingly, dog grass eating can also be linked to instinctual behaviors. In the wild, many animals, including wolves and wild dogs, consume grass to help purge their systems of intestinal parasites. While our domesticated pals may not have the same parasite issues, the behavior is a remnant of their natural ancestry.
The next time you find your dog nibbling on your lawn, don’t panic! It’s most likely instinct, nutritional needs, boredom, or simply a tasty treat. However, if your dog shows signs of distress or if grass-eating becomes excessive, always consult your veterinarian. After all, while a dog eating little grass is harmless, we want to ensure they are happy and healthy - and not turning into a walking salad bar!
And Moses? He claims to hate anything green and healthy, but we’ve seen him sneak a few blades!
1 comment
I have been feeding my dogs a raw diet for 30 years. I began by making it from scratch, but now buy it locally. It contains mainly meat and vegetables, ground chicken necks and organ meat – all ground up and frozen. Very rarely do I see any of my dogs eating grass. Perhaps that is why.